

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


What is GoodDogInfo?
How does it work?
How do subscribers pay for services?
How accurate is the information?
What accountability is in place?
Does GoodDogInfo only cover Labrador Retrievers?
Who are the dogs in the database?
How do I search for a dog?
* VERY IMPORTANT - Why should I use partial spelling when searching for a dog, sire or dam?
How do I add a dog to the database?
How do I add a Sire and Dam to a dog record? 
I couldn't find a dog by breeder name, or by owner name, or by professional trainer name, but I think he is in the database. What happened?
How are records updated?
Why aren't all siblings or offspring in the database?
What is a sibling?
How does GoodDogInfo recognize titles?
What does TitOS and TitSibs mean?
What is "hypothetical breeding"?
Tell me more about pedigrees?
Can I print a pedigree?

We've been around since 1992 and have subscribers from all over the United States and Canada. 

We have a database (a collection of information) that consists of over 90,000 Labrador Retrievers from Field, Bench and Hunting stock.  People use this site for Breeding Research, Pedigree Research and Performance Research and lots of other stuff.

We encourage subscribers to add and update dog information. Breeders, trainers and dog enthusiasts are pooling resources to make the database even better. It is a place where people come together to share information and learn more about the dogs they love and admire most.

We help dog enthusiasts, owners and breeders to better understand the bloodlines and other important information behind the dogs that are of greatest interest to them.

They come with questions such as:

"Who should I breed my dog to?"

"Who is producing the winning dogs and who are they bred to?"

"What are the bloodlines of the most famous dogs? How much inbreeding was in these dogs?"

"Who are the top competitors?"

In our Field Trial Information section, you can view National Champions and High Point dogs. You can even sort Open and Amateur dogs by, yearly points, lifetime points or sort by points per start. (Generally, not much is known about points per start, however, some dogs have a much better average than others, you just don't hear about it!)

GoodDogInfo helps enthusiasts to quickly identify dogs and their progeny that have achieved great success. Breeders often look to GoodDogInfo to help identify Sires that they determined to have the highest potential of producing offspring that might win competitions. Others simply want to create custom queries that produces information such as who are all the titled retrievers from Texas? Or, who are the titled, living, retrievers that have produced titled offspring?

Because people spend so much time and effort (and money) on their dogs, they want to find dogs they believe will have the highest potential for success. And GoodDogInfo can help you do that.

Want to learn more about the lineage of the dogs you're most interested in? Want help finding a sire to breed to? Looking for a new puppy or started dog? GoodDogInfo is a great place to start!

We hope you enjoy this site!

Paying subscribers to GoodDogInfo have the ability to add dogs and update information about the dogs they are most knowledgeable about. We're excited about this feature because dog enthusiasts, like you, are most knowledgeable about the dogs they care about and we believe the information at this site will improve as more people become involved with the site. In addition, paying subscribers gain access to features which provide a wealth of information about well-bred dogs.
GoodDogInfo accepts Visa and MasterCard for payment. Credit cards are processed through PayPal secured servers. PayPal is a global leader in online payment solutions with more than 164 million accounts worldwide. Available in 190 markets and 17 currencies around the world, PayPal enables global ecommerce by making payments possible across different locations, currencies, and languages. Located in San Jose, California, PayPal was founded in 1998 and was acquired by eBay in 2002.

Users are allowed to enter their credit card information themselves or GoodDogInfo will be happy to process payments for anyone not wishing to enter the information themselves. Simply call GoodDogInfo at: 214-244-5500.

We cannot guarantee accuracy of the information in GoodDogInfo (and we strongly recommend that you obtain information from a registry such as the American Kennel Club (AKC) or its counterparts in other countries, before making any decisions to buy, sell, breed or anything else pertaining to decisions about dogs.
However, our information is provided by dog enthusiasts, like you, that know their dogs and the dogs they are most interested in. We rely on ourselves and on our subscribers to provide up to the minute accurate information.
GoodDogInfo built accountability into this website.
First, only paying subscribers are able to add dogs and modify existing dog information.
Second, all modifications to the database are recorded so that subscribers know who made the modification, what the modification was, and when the modification took place.
Third, safeguards are in place that prevents users from modifying what we believe to be the most critical fields, the dog name, the sire, and the dam. In order to maintain data integrity, records that were added to the database more than 14 days ago have built in security that prevents users from changing the Dog Name, Sire or Dam. Instead, changes are submitted to Good Dog Info for final approval. One caveat is, if the sire or dam field is blank then the subscriber is permitted to update that information even if the dog was added more than 14 days ago.
In order to resolve any outstanding problems or issues, Good Dog Info launched with only one advertisement and only one breed of dog (Labradors). However, we do have plans to add other breeds of dogs. At launch there were approximately 85,000 Labradors in the database.
Many dogs in this database have placed in competitive events or are related to those dogs.
Typically it is best to enter a partial spelling of the dog name. A list will result from which the user can choose a dog. (Do not include titles). Apostrophes can be tricky, because some people spell their dog's name with an apostrophe while others choose not to use apostrophes. When searching for a dog you will have the most success by entering a partial spelling of the dog name up to (but not including) the apostrophe.
Whenever you are searching for a Dog, Sire, or Dam be sure to use a partial spelling (for example type "Lean Mac" instead of "Ebonstar Lean Mac". Oftentimes the actual spelling of a dog name is slightly different from what we think it may be and therefore it is important to use a partial spelling in order to determine if the dog is already in the database or not.
Most well known and many not so well known dogs are already in the database.
How do I add a dog to the database?
First, enter a partial spelling of the dog name to make sure that the dog is not already in the database. If you are certain that the dog is not in the database then select "dog search" and enter the entire dog name (but do not include titles). Usually only a few dogs have to be added before the rest of the pedigree is complete.
How do I add a Sire Or Dam to a dog record?
If a dog's sire or dam are not in the database then they must be entered into the database first.
Here are the steps:
1) Go to your dog's record.
2) Look near the bottom of the record at the 3 columns (in blue).
3) The third column contains the option "Change Sire". Press "Change Sire"
4) Try entering "Lean Mac" (just to see what happens)
5) Choose "Ebonstar Lean Mac then press submit..."
6) Look in the middle column and press "5 Generation pedigree"
7) When you are looking at a pedigree, look in the top right corner of the screen and press "Continue" (to return to your dog record)
8) Press "Change Sire" again then remove "Lean Mac" as the sire of your dog (unless he is the Sire of your dog)
9) If your dog's sire or dam are not in the database then you have to enter them into the database.
After the sire and dam have been entered into a dog record GoodDogInfo determines if there are any sibling of that dog in the database. (try pressing "View Siblings" after you have entered a sire and dam.
I couldn't find a dog by breeder name, or by owner name, or by professional trainer name, but I think he is in the database. What happened?
One of three things may have occurred. First, you may not have tried a partial spelling. Whether you are performing a lookup by dog name, breeder, owner, professional handler, or whatever, try using a partial spelling. Often people use abbreviations, or there is an apostrophe or something that prevents you from finding a record. Partial spelling often solves this problem. Second, the dog is either not in the database or Third, the dog is in the database by the field you are searching on has not been filled in. This is where you can really help. Often, you will know better than anyone else the most current information about the dogs you are most interested in. Subscribers are able to add dogs and update dog information.
Records are updated after a change is submitted. The exception is the dog name, sire and dam fields of records added more than 14 days ago (see accountability discussion above). Once you input the sire and dam for a dog, GoodDogInfo automatically updates the dog's parents, siblings, offspring and grand offspring.
GoodDogInfo only knows about dogs that have been put into the database. If a dog, sibling, or offspring does not show up it either has not been entered into the database or it was incorrectly input into the database.
GoodDogInfo regards a sibling as dogs that have the same parents, whether or not they were born in the same litter. Dogs that have the same parents are siblings.
Titles are recognized in the same manner as the AKC and CKC recognizes titles. Championship titles (for example: CH or FC) go before the dog name. Other titles (for example: MH) go after the dog name.
What does TitOS and TitSibs mean?
Throughout the website, there are references to TitOS and TitSibs. TitOS refers to the number of titled offspring that a dog has. TitSibs refers to the number of titled siblings that a dog has. GoodDogInfo performs a count of titles before a dog name. If a championship titled is entered for a dog, GoodDogInfo automatically updates the records for its parents, siblings and offspring.
The site allows you to perform a "hypothetical" or "what if" breeding. People who are considering breeding their dog to another dog can a view pedigree as if that breeding had actually taken place. This feature can be helpful when considering which dog might be the most suitable mate. Hypothetical pedigree allows the user to say what if I bred this bitch to this sire (and shows the resulting 5 generation pedigree)
You can view or print a pedigree (see below). In addition, each dog in the pedigree has a "hyperlink" to its own record. Users can press on any dog in the pedigree to go to that particular dog.
Yes, you can print a pedigree. From your browser you should be able to print most anything you see. Printers and web browsers are different so you may have to use legal size paper or perhaps adjust settings (if your browser allows you to do that)
The printout is not as "fancy" as those offered by many pedigree services or by the AKC. Remember, GoodDogInfo does not guarantee the accuracy of a pedigree. Because many users are allowed to add dogs and edit records the correct information may or may not have been entered. If the information is incorrect, subscribers are allowed to correct the information.
Why do I get timed out when I leave the site idle for a while?
(When the site times out I have to start over at the Home Page and re-enter my user name and password information. Why does the server time out?)
In order to save server resources, the server is set to time out after 12 minutes of inactivity. The reason for setting a timeout is to keep the server from getting bogged down and inaccessible. If there were no specified timeout and a number of people logged on then walked away for a while, the entire web site would slow down and become more difficult for others to logon. To keep from being timed out, periodically switch to the Good Dog Info and push any button just so that there is some activity. That way you won't get bumped off.

The premier website for researching everything you want to know about well-bred dogs.